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Just go up and talk to him. Don't be nervous. There is a good chance he likes you too. :). You never know until you try. Now go get him

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Q: How do you flirt at a football game with your crush?
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Your crush loves you?

if they flirt with u alot that normally means they do

What do you do if your an ugly girl and you want your crush to notice you?

First I'm pretty sure your a beautiful girl. And too get your crush to notice you just hangout with him. Or find out what he likes. Like if he likes football invite him to a football game or just " occasionally" run into him at a game and start talking.

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you start to flirt

How does a kid flirt.... like 10?

At 10 you are too young to flirt. Go play baseball or football. You have plenty of time to flirt.

Why would your cousin flirt with your crush?

Your cousin would flirt with your crush because: 1. your cousin likes your crush 2. your cousin really doesn't like you 3.he/she doesn't know that that's your crush 4. your cousin wants revenge 5.or another one but I don't feel it's right for me to say it

What are the ways you can tell if a girl has a crush on you?

She would flirt and not leave u alone

How do you flirt with a guy if he has crush on you and you have a crush on him?

Tell the truth & let him know how you feel.Then see what happens next.The worst that could happen is he rejects you.

Did Ryan sheckler flirt with Vanessa Hudgens?

I don´t think so, but he has a crush on her!

Your crush kinda likes you but how do you make him really like you?

Make him laugh, flirt with him. Be yourself.

You are sitting by your crush what do you do?

Just flirt! **Hint-Hint**! But don't be too pushy, okay?

What if your crush wants to get close to you?

step up talk to her/him and just tell her/him who you are pretty much if they start to flirt flirt back and get her/him to like you and when they do put on the rubber and get it in. xD