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K, so you like a guy and your problem maybe is that he has to many friends with him and no where to go or he just is to busy to talk to.Well i will answer on how to get alone with a guy.

1. The main thing with a guy is that they love you hang out with their friends it is just like girls.So if they are always with their friends just ask them when they are done talking to them or, if you have his number just call his at night.

2. Don't be afraid to ask him to talk or if we can talk in private. So go for it and it will boost up your love meeter(lol) So don't be afraid go for it.

3. If you get some alone time with him stay calm at go for it and the rest you can do by yourself so remember GO FOR IT!

I hope this helped :D

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Leave them alone ! YOU have no right to interfere in their relationship !