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you can beat being abused by telling someone who really cares about you and would like to see you happy. You can either fight back or call a protective agency to help you. You can also ru away to a relatives.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Just Never Think About It and think of other stuff in Lifee That Makes You Happy..:)

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Q: How do you get over the fear of being abused?
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It's all about the will power friend, will power.

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No disabled children do not understand that they are being abused.

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The law varies from state to state but if you are abused you can tell a social worker and they can help you.

How many out of ten animals are abused?

Umm i would truthfully think so but im not real sure i dont think and in this world can be so sure

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Cheetahs are being abused by humans that shoot them or hunt them down in their natural habitat.

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The most important reason is fear; fear that euthanasia can so easily be abused.

How many abused animals are in the world?

There over 1,000 abused people.

How many dogs are abused in Kansas?

over 300,000 dogs are beening abused.