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well try to tell the sixth grader that the 8th grader has a crush on them and then maybe if the 8th grader does something sweet the sixth grader will say yes

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Q: How do you get this eighth grader to ask a 6th grader out and The eighth grader always hugs me everyday ALMOST EVERyday help mwe?
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Related questions

What age is eighth grade?

Eighth graders are generally thirteen and fourteen years old, but there are always exceptions.

Every weekday Tasha walks 3 eighth mile to school she walks 2 eighth mile to her grandparents house then she takes the same route home Does Tasha walk more than one mile each day Explain how you know?

Yes Tasha does walk for 1 mile everyday. This can be expressed as 3/8+3/8+2/8+2/8 which equals to 1 mile.

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Neigh, weight, eight, eighth, freight, & height.

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Yes. It can kill them in an eighth of an eighth ofan eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth ofan eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth ofan eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth ofan eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth ofan eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth ofan eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth ofan eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth ofan eighth of an eighth of an eighth of an eighth of a millisecond.

How do you turn your boyfriend on when you are in the eighth grade?

ok well what turned me on was when she was always right next to me and always touching me and joking with me.

Is there an answer key to the eighth grade Prentice Hall writing and grammar book silver edition 2004?

I'm sure that there is. Your teacher almost certainly has one.

Is two eighth small than one eighth?

no. obviously there are two one eighth to make one two eighth

How many grams in a eighth of marijuana?

when you feel like you cant breathe when your near them. It always happens to me when im near the guy i love.

What is one eighth teaspoon plus one eighth teaspoon equals?

One eighth plus one eighth is one fourth.

How do you spell twenty eighth?


What words end ghth?


Eighth eighth quarter half?