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Try to get to know him and understand what he likes and dislikes and talk to him on his wavelength - he will soon open up

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Q: How do you like a boy who just doesn't show his feelings?
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Does Sonic adore Amy?

He does, but he is too shy to show his feelings for her. By the way, He looks like he doesnt but he does a lot! XD

But what if you just talk to him is that to show you like him?

no, that doesnt mean you like him,(not nessisarily), but some of your classmates might think so.

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you call them you like I just did

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How can a guy like you and not somone else?

well, your not in control of his feelings, but just show him your dating potensial.

How do flavius and marullus show their feelings toward Caesar?

THey envey him becouse they just dont like him

The mother of my children doesn't love me?

thatss not possibile just because she doesnt show it that doesnt mean she doesnt like them.sometimes it can be your fault your probably not giving her much attention

How do you tell someone you like them with out looking like a fool?

Just go up and release your feelins. Start slow and easy and becomefriends. After two months or more show your feelings for him and there is a 78% he will accept your feelings. Just go up and release your feelins. Start slow and easy and becomefriends. After two months or more show your feelings for him and there is a 78% he will accept your feelings.

Do goth people laugh?

Yes, they are human and share human feelings/emotions. They just don't like to show there feelings and might try hide their laughter

Is it wrong to send love poems to a girl who is not your girlfriend?

Well if she has AA boyfriend then don't. If she doesnt then do it in a way will it does not show to much feelings, then you should ask her out after you do. If she doesnt like you now she will after the poem. Oh and don't act emmbarrsed about the poem when you give it to her.

Your friend told this guy you liked him and he just said oh Does he like you?

He May Do, Buh Doesnt Want To Show It