If you fall in love with a superstar, the best thing to do is to try and find someone more on your level. A superstar rarely dates anyone that isn't a celebrity. But you can always write to them and tell them how you feel.
One thing that she did bad was that she make her enemies fall in love with her another reason is that she cheats on everyone on every boy
love is such a strong feeling because it is the most powerful emotion that exists. i don't know why you can't choose who you fall in love with, but maybe its not such a bad idea-think about this, assume that you fall in love with a guy/girl that is not in love wih you, how would you feel? even if by some means you manage to get together with him/her it would not last as he/she does not possess those same feelings of love for you. but what if you waited and met the right person and you fell in love and they are in love with you, chances are it would work out as you both feel the same way. you would know it the moment you meet your true love-you will feel it with all your heart.
me sang...
It's easier to love than be loved back because love is something that can't be help; that is, you can't help who you love and who you don't. All while you love this person and feel bad deep down because it is unrequited, someone else may love you and feel the same way.
There are two different versions with the same title, one is by Roberta Flack, the other by Bad Company.
Just becase you had a bad childhood, doesn't mean that your future has to be bad. You can do whatever you dream of doing. If you want to be a doctor, then go after that goal. You can fall in love. Everybody deserves to find true love.
Just be yourself. Women love a man who can just be himself. Being there for her is best, when you get really close to someone and go through the bad times and good times together, making memories, then soon she will feel more inclined to fall 'in love' with you. I know it sounds mad but as a girl i have fallen for countless best mates that have built up a friendship mainly on the fact they like me. And they always work out best..
that is a lie! sex is not the way to do that...hell ignore you after..just tell him how you feel
fall in love with anyones boyfriend or abe lincoln
No. People encourage it. It makes them fart a lot and that gets them to fall in love. Egg love!
Love is not a bad thing as long as you use it the right way love is a wonderful feeling that makes you feel like you live in the clouds its indescribable but sometimes if love isn't used in the right way it can be a bad thing. You just have to trust yourself and not make yourself think your on love you'll know when u r just be smart about love and choose the right person and you will have a great ride.