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eight years!

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Q: How long has John Cena wrestled?
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What is a good sentence using the word wrestled?

At wrestle-mania, John Cena and The Rock wrestled for the WWE Championship

Who did john cena wrestle at WrestleMania 18?

what are you a kid? John cena never wrestled in the wwf, he debut in 2003...

Who wrestled at the first WWE TLC match for the number1 championship?

John Cena won the WWE Championship at TLC against Shemaus.

How long John Cena wrestling?

John Cena has been wrestling 10 years

How did john cena get on tv?

he wrestled in Ohio Valley Wrestling for a little while then he came to WWE in June of 2002 in Kurt Angle's Challenge in Boston, MA

Who is John Cena's dad?

John Cena sr.

Did the rock and cena ever wrestled before?

No hence the 'never before never again' saying

Who won john cena or brock lesnar?

John Cena

Does John cena have ps3 accont?

John Cena's PSN is John Cena

What is John cena first name?

John Cena's full name is John Felix Anthony Cena.

How far is wwe john cena's house from Maryland long meadow road?

cena's house ifo

Is John cena bad?

No. John Cena is not bad. If John Cena was bad, he would not care about his fans. John Cena will always support his fans so John Cena is GOOD!!!!!