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it all depends how much you drink.

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Q: How many Smirnoffs get a 120 pound girl drunk?
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lol well it depends on if it's your first time drinking?? vodka is very strong, and it was the first alcohol i ever drank. i didn't take shots, just had like two chugs out of the bottle, and i was wasted <32 lol well it depends on if it's your first time drinking?? vodka is very strong, and it was the first alcohol i ever drank. i didn't take shots, just had like two chugs out of the bottle, and i was wasted <32

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Even with all the nice numerical data included in the question, the answer still can depend on the local legal, cultural, and behavioral definitions of "drunk", as well as on the time duration over which the alleged imbibement took place.

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48 pounds.