Children's has 3 morphemes
2: child-ren
child: free root
-ren: bound inflectional suffix; irregular plural; used only in this word
-'s: bound inflectional suffix; possessive; regular; e.g., women's, people's
There are two morphemes in "footprints" - "foot" and "prints."
There are two morphemes in the word "into": "in" and "to."
their six morphemes in this word
Dangerously is two morphemes
how many morphemes does autobiography have?
How many morphemes are in the word catepillar?
the word mis-under-stand-ing has 4 morphemes
many wrappers
"Interpret" has three morphemes: "in-", "ter-", and "-pret".
There are three morphemes in "friendliest": friend, -ly, -est.
There are three morphemes in "transferable": "trans-", "fer", and "-able".