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Q: How old is too old to have never had a boyfriend?
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How old is too old to call your boyfriend a boyfriend?

Well, i suppose you can always call him that, until your married or broken up

Can a 10year old have a 13year old boyfriend?

No. A 10 year old is too young.

What if your twelve years old and have never had a boyfriend?

there is nothing unusual about that.

How old is too old for a motorcycle helmet?

You are NEVER too old for a helmet!

Is it weird to be 14 years old and have never had a boyfriend before?

Not really, you can get a boyfriend whenever you want, my sister had her first boyfriend when she was 21

I worried my boyfriend will think I'm too fat?

You should never be worried that anyone especially a boyfriend will think you are fat.

Can a sixteen year old run away to her 18 year old boyfriend house in WA and not get in trouble?

No. And not only will you get in trouble, your boyfriend will too.

How do you never lose your 16 year old boyfriend?

Play COD with him.

15 and never had a boyfriend?

Just because you are 15 years old does not mean you have to have a boyfriend. A 15 year old should be worried more about school.

Why can't a 10 year-old get a boyfriend?

You are WAY too young!

How old is too old to adopt?

Really You are never to old to adopt, or do anything.