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Q: How risky behavior affects those around you?
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no it will affect ur partner and u family and those around u

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== == == ==

How can ones behavior have a negative influence?

One's behavior can have a negative influence by causing harm or discomfort to others, promoting negative emotions and reactions, or setting a bad example for those around them. Negative behavior can lead to conflict, damage relationships, and undermine trust and respect.

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Negative attitudes and behaviors affect everyone around you. When a person is negative to those around them, nobody wants to be around them. The reactions of others vary from avoidance to aggressive behavior displayed.

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Warning signs are ______ in a person's behavior or communication that tells you those things are not okay.

Warning signs are in a persons behavior or communication that tells you those things are not okay.?

Warning signs are ______ in a person's behavior or communication that tells you those things are not okay.