First you need to be yourself and if he hasn't notice you by now, try changing your appearance some but not to much, you don't want to draw the wrong attention. And try talking to him to get to know him better ans so he can know you better.
Well, give the boy some sweet looks, kind of telling him that you like him. Make it a LITTLE obvious NOT a lot. Guys like the girl to make the first move, and girls like the guy to make the first move. You just make the first move! It might feel a little weird, but it always works! If he turns you down keep on giving him the 'looks'. he'll eventually get the point. Then in a few months, or whenever you feel comfortable again, ask him again! It never hurts to try, try, and try again. keep on doing this, and believe me, hell' eventually fall for you. Belive this method. It works! (most of the time, at least.)
Well, 11 year-old boy, wait until you're 16 or 17 then go and date her. :)
Just don't do anything stupid and divorce her (when you're married) or get her pregnant when shes 16 or something.
Sorry this is a diffrent person and i dont know how to make my own answer but you can always ask her on a date when your a little older like 13 when your a teen. But if you don't want to wait you could ask her now but don't move to fast im an eleven year old girl and i don't like it when all a guy wants to have a girlfriend to show off. So give her quit a bit of attention even around friend but to her not to her body parts. Because what i want in a guy is a pretty sensative, of course looks but not like all selfish, and has a great sense of humor, oh and a great smile.
Well, dont be flirty. They will think your weird and tell their friends that your a creep, etc. Maybe you should make a card for her. It may sound to gushy, but its better than telling her I like you. Then just style yourself up abit. Dont have saggy pants, maybe a hat and you know. Just be really nice to her and sweet. Find out who her favorite band/artist is and sing her a love song from that person. If i was that girl, id start to like you!
You need to be bold! Girls like it when guys make the first move. To make her like you you have to at least make ur self stand out. Don't be too obvious but u van be a little so she will know and maybe like u back. If she doesn't you can always pass ur flirting off as nothing and say you don't really like her. Never just come out and say it or over crowd her she will feel un comfortable. To get her to like you, you need to prove your better then anyone else make her laugh get close to her. Your may be only eleven but a cute romance is still possible.
If your a 9 year old girl like me and your in love with a boy at shool,first you should spy on him at a free time like recess or something.Do that for three or four days.Once you find out what he does most of the time you should get to where ever he goes first.When your crush gets to where you are you should ask him for example "you like the monkey bars?I like them too!I love to play here!''Thats just to get him attracted to what YOU like to do.The next day, ask your crush what type of clothes he's attracted to.The day after that wear the best outfit that matches what he had said.If he says he likes black everything or a certain color,wear that color only in skinny things to make you look more attractive.If you have recess the next day ask him if you can play with him.When your right in the middle of playing ask him if you can hold his hand.If he says no go run away from him near by wear you can sit and cry like he hates you.If he comes to ask what was wrong tell him that you wouldn't let you hold his hand and then act all girly or what ever he likes.When he's about to go come right out and say that you like him and you worked so hard to make him like you.Well i hope my tips from me to you have worked because it certainly worked out for me.
A 7 year old girl can like a boy. Love would be unlikely at that age.
you don't!!
It is fine.
a 12 year old boy could like a 11 year old girl cause it could be many thing your personality your loveliness etc etc it depends
for a girl not over 100 and a boy like not over 130
Well, don't force the girl she might just not like him and are you talking about like or love?
Two words:Act mature!
It depends on their personality.
because they talk about them
Tell him you like him.
you dont