It is his right not to sign the papers. If you cannot amend them to his satisfaction, file them as a 'Contested' divorce and have them served to him along with a summons of court date. He will have to appear in court to explain why he would not sign them.
If there are citizenship matters involved, then you probably need an attorney to help you through the situation.
get a lawer and sue her ! they can make her sign the papers !
You continue with the divorce proceeding. A spouse who refuses to sign the divorce papers can delay the proceedings by making it take longer but they cannot prevent the divorce.
No. Talk to your lawyer.
well don't get any divorce
If your spouse is served with divorce papers, that is what matters. The next step is the hearing before the judge. Your spouse may attend or may choose not to attend. It does not matter. What matters is the judge's decree. Many divorces have been granted when the spouse refused to sign.
If your spouse was served PROPERLY with paperwork and they do not sign or respond by the deadline, you will automatically get the terms u asked for in the divorce.
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Go to court. The judge can grant the petition.
A spouse that does not sign divorce papers will get a default judgment entered against them and the divorce will still happen. You can however contest the default judgment if the court allows you to do so and thinks you have a good reason why you did not sign the papers.
You can serve a spouse with separation papers which they have no recourse not to accept. You can also serve them with divorce papers. They can refuse to sign, but eventually a judge may grant the divorce anyway.
You would have a conflict of interest by signing the divorce papers for both parties. Your spouse must sign his own name.
in Indiana does the spouse have to signIndiana the spouse don't have to sign the divorce papersi know i got 4 divorces in Indiana. don't let no one make you believethe spouse has to sign.BUT if its agreetment divorce both has to sign. hope that i help you.