no she hasnt i think xD
he won't give that since he don't want to get called at texted all the time from girls who think can marry him
like, MertoPCS? I think you go to the store, but if the phone that has the number on it hasnt been active for three months they wont do it.
Text them saying: "uhm,this phone number (insert whatever number) texted me and said they know where you live" and if they don't fall for that,think of something else.
There is no set number, but you will know if he likes you.
try not to make things awkward just avoid the question and continue talking to him about random stuff cause if he likes you back but you dont talk to him he might assume you dont like him anymore you dont want that
It hasnt been released to the public,though we think itll be a while. ANYWAYS,i do think there will be.
Bella thorne can be called or texted at 7028216110 but I think her inbox for voice mail is full.
It's simple just tell him you are a little confused about waht happened. Then ask him if he can tell you
Why do you think he likes you?
Ahiru likes Fakir (and i think Mytho) Rue likes Mytho Mytho likes tutu (i think Rue too) I think that's it
Oh come on, be realistic! There is no answer to this question, you have to know that.Peter texted whatever you want him to have texted - a recipe for butternut brownies, a cure for a cold sore, the directions to Ed's Hardware in Seattle Washington.Whatever you think he typed is what he typed.