you can get a guy to like you by hanging out with him or laughing at his jokes if he makes jokes but if he makes fun of you he likes you definitely likes you
when someone that's a meany makes fun of you when someone that's a meany makes fun of you when someone that's a meany makes fun of you when someone that's a meany makes fun of you
He likes you. He wants attention. Do it back to him.
He probably likes you too.. Tell him you like him... If he makes fun of you for that tell him your serious and ask if he likes you back... If he doesn't and he makes fun of you for it than tell a teacher that he's bullying you...
Not necessarily. Teasing can be a way for someone to get attention or assert power over another person. It's important to consider the context and also to communicate openly with the boy to understand his intentions.
I dont think it means she likes u it just means she doesnt like ur favorite football team.
Yes they like you.
It depends! If this guy makes fun of you and says things that you told him bothers you he may not be that much into you. He displays carelessness for your feelings. If this guy makes fun of you around other people such as his friends, he probably still likes you but doesn't want to seem like he's 'whipped' in front of them or he can be self conscious of himself. If it bothers you that he makes fun of you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, confront him about it and ask him to stop.If he doesn't it will show you that he does not care your feelings, if he does then yes he probably still likes you!
Don't ask the person directly... potentially awkward. Try and get someone else to find out wihtout making it obvious.
The fact that he is doing these things means that he is spending time on you and therefore he is attracted to you. Provided it is done in a nice way (i.e. not intended to hurt) teasing can be a form of flattery.
She likes you