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yes There is no way to tell. It is best NOT to believe anything said by a drunk. You're doing well by asking the question. It indicates that you don't trust what you've heard. Pay attention to your feelings and intuition. It will serve you well.

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Q: If a guy tells you something when he is drunk does he really mean it and to scared to say it to you sober?
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Coffe helps apparently. But I think you just need your liver really. So, stop drinking and you will sober up :-)

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yes. never do stuff with drunk guys because if it was actually something he would enjoy when he is sober, trust me! he WOULD be sober!! guys who don't care about a girl's feelings will get drunk and do what they want, and then live life their own way when they are sober. not fun at all. if you want a real relationship, don't leave the romance to those sloppy drunken nights when neither of you really remember anything, and you get to wake up with a lovely romantic hangover in the morning. yuck.

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Drunk people. Only the sober ones remember to tell others. ;D... <-- Just kidding around. Really, there should not be an 'exact' person who made drunk jokes.

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Drunk driving is when you are completely drunk and you are not in your senses and sober driving is when you are almost drunk but you still gain some consciousness in yourself.

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Can coffee make you sober?

No. If you're drunk it may keep you awake, but it won't make you sober.

How do accidental deaths link to alcoholism?

If you get too drunk then you might walk into the road without knowing or do something stupid that you wouldn't do when your sober.