If you approach them with a problem you may persuade them to open up and tell you whatever is bothering them and making them behave in such a strange way. if they carry on with this you need to leave them behind. If you activly seek out new freinds you will find much better ones. try to start a conversation with them and ask questions to make sure they are paying attention. if they seem really bored with your conversation, change the subject. if this person just plain doesnt listen, you can try to find better friends
Start by saying hi to her more often, then mabe ask her to do something with you, but remember, you cant force her to be your friend.
If you are serious about the relationship and like your girlfriend more than the friend, then ignore the feelings and get over it. If you like the friend more than your girlfriend and the friend likes you, then possibly end the relationship and start a new one with your "friend". Don't be scared to break up with your girlfriend and end up cheating on her. Just remember, if you like your girlfriend more, ignore the feelings and move on; and if you like the friend more and the friend likes you, end the relationship.
he doesnt like you that way.
Just goto ur friend's profile and goto "more" options below ur friend's photo and u will find the option "ignore user". Just click on it.
Well try to be cool And more like them. If that doesnt work try to get a better friend
if a girl dosent wana hang out with u then ignore him im saying that caze i am a girl if u do ignore him she will like u more then she was doing before so remember to ignore
Go and dress up like a clown to school! Then u will have friends! ======================================== Think which is more important - a good friend or popularity. Stick with your friend and ignore the world.
i guess she feels more comfortable texting
it depends does he know the girl he could be jealous lots of things if he knows the girl for a while he might not more things than you know but if u really really really like her and and friend saying he hates her don't get paranoid keep going out with her
just say to her/him that you r my favorite or best friend ever than if your friend doesn't believe you , you prove it theres a chance that he likes you as more than a friend too. maybe he just doesnt want to break the ice, if you tell him how you feel first, he will feel more comfortable. just make sure that you tell him that if he doesnt feel the same way back, that you dont want anything about your friendship to change
He probably doesnt want to lose you as a friend but doesnt want to be more tyan friends... So no
stand by them, dont give in to the laughing, and stick up for them. next time some one make a mean comment say something!!!!!! dont just go on and ignore it.Some people will tell you to ignore it, but to me when you ignore the problem it leaves you felling bad about yourself and lets the person who is making fun of you off the hook. If they are your friend simply tell them that your hurt by there unfriendly comments and that you wish they would stop. With most people that doesnt work if so show them that your mad or sad and maybe they will feel guilty and your other friends should tell them how mean there comments were.If you need more advice Kaleigh27