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Q: Is a 66 year old man too old for a woman age 48?
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Can a 19-year-old man have a relationship with a 25-year-old woman?

Over Age of ConsentYes, a 19-year-old man can have a relationship with a 25-year old woman. Since both are over the age of consent, the relationship can legally be sexual.

Is a 22 year old woman too old for a 18 year old man?

No, not at all. A person is considered an adult at the age of 18. A 22 year old woman with an attraction to an 18 year old man is nothing to be ashamed of. Both parties are adults.

If a woman swallow semen from 21year old men or 51 year old is healthyer she is 62 years old?

As long as the man is STD free swallowing semen will not hurt you. A 51 year old man is not different than a 21 year old. The woman's health is not compromised by the age of the man.

Is it ok for a 25 year old man to be with a 16 year old woman in the state of hawaii?

Yes, the age of consent is 16 on Hawaii.

Is a 19 year old young man capable of being truly in love with a 30 year old woman?

age doesnt matter

A 45 year-old man marry should marry a man of what age?

A 45 year-old man should marry a WOMAN around his own age. I can't believe how rude that is, haven't you ever heard of freedom and homosexuality?

Can a 21 and 28 year old be together?

I`m pretty sure it`s legal. Unless the woman, or man is under the age of 18, it is legal to date any other being within the age limits of 18 or older.

Is it socially accepable for a 40 year old man to date a 22 year old woman?

Many people would frown on the age difference.

Is a relationship between a 24-year-old man and a 46-year-old woman worth pursuing?

Sure why not. You are both of mature age and 46 year old women are cool.

Is it ok for a 59 year old woman to date a 45 year old man?

It is perfectly acceptable. They are both adults and well over the age of consent.

Should a 37 year old woman be in a relationship with a 26 year old man?

Yes. As long as they are ready for each other. Age don't matter.

Can a 24 year old man really love a 43 year old woman?

yes, it is possible and has happened many times, it is the same as a 43 year old man being in love with a 24 year old woman, when you love some one age is just a number, as long as you respect each other.