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*Unless you have some hard facts the spouse is cheating and lying about it then yes, it can be mental abuse if you are always bringing the matter up and it's affecting your relationship. The only way you will know for sure is to follow your spouse (that's how I caught my first husband cheating) or hire a detective. If you aren't willing to do either then you are going to have to live with it and not keep accusing your spouse of cheating. There are so many relationships that have been destroyed by jealousy or second-guessing. Some men/women have a problem of trust when it comes to their mate even though their mate is not cheating.

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Q: Is it mental abuse to suspect a spouse who constantly lies and cheats?
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Not necessarily. An affair doesn't always cause the spouse to be mean like that. A marraige that is falling apart would cause that. When a spouse is cheating, the last thing they want to do is be mean and suspicious. They want to act normal and even nice so the other doesn't suspect anything. For your marraige: time for counceling. If you want to save this marraige, make an appointment and go (if your spouse wont go, then go alone to see what you can do to save the marraige).

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If the spouse does not constantly cheat and made one mistake by having an affair then talking it out in a calm manner and facing how you both can improve upon the marriage may save the marriage or, you both could go to marriage counseling to learn tools to deal with every day life's stresses. If the spouse is constantly cheating; may be on drugs or abuses alcohol or is constantly verbally or physically harmful to their spouse it is best to move on. There is a good rate of successful marriages if one spouse has only had one affair if the couple decide to make it work. 'To err is human.'

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Get out of the relationship. If he/she is cheating on their spouse, they are a cheater. Why would you want to be in a relationship with a cheater? If he/she cheats on their spouse, they will most likely cheat on you too. Plus, it's breaking one of the 10 Comandments.

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