Honestly, i think so because when men are drunk they blurt out the truth. And they sometimes say thinks that they dont mean but are true
people die every ten seconds from drunk drivers............ it is amazing but it is true!!!!!!!!1
It means you were drunk.
People are often known to lie about their drinking.
Well what do you think, he's drunk !! People say alot of things when they are drunk and don't mean any of it.
Given that the people who commit this crime are drunk, and therefore do not care, I would say no.
I would say tipsy, inebriated (drunk), blacked out, belligerent, then comes the hang over.
If your questions is what my opinion on one I'd say that I'm not for it but not against it. There are to ways of looking at this. 1- When you are drunk you are most truthful so you are being true to your self whether or not you like this person or 2- You were drunk so you weren't thinking straight.
can be drunk
peeti hoee aay! "He/She is drunk"
i would say about 1billion people have drunk orange juice in their lives if not less
The majority of older people say that they are seldom bored is true.