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I personally dont feel that it is gross, if your in a happy relationship, or you like somebody alot, kissing can be a really nice feeling between you both.

yes you do exchange saliva lol but as long as there breath is fresh then kissingis not gross of course its not gross i take it your a kid ? like me im 13 and i had my first kiss a few days ago it is weird but you feel so damn happy i think i smiled in my sleep lol

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Q: Is kissing gross
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Related questions

Is there something gross about kissing?

No, there is nothing gross about kissing.

Why when guys kiss it's gross but when girls kiss it's ok?

Not all guys kissing is gross, just sometimes but its because they are unsure how and slobber a bit. But its not really gross its kind of funny. Girls kissing is okay cause they go for it short and easy instead of trying to make out! It's the way you see it. Not everyone sees it the same way as you ! A gay guy would think guys kissing is OK, but maybe not with girls kissing, whereas a straight guy will think guys kissing is gross, but girls kissing exciting !

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Kissing Jessica Stein grossed $8,831,884 worldwide.

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I used 2 be really into this guy We flirted a lot for a while then I stopped feeling attracted to him It been 6 months I'm super confused Thinking about kissing him sounds gross What should I do?

If you think kissing him sounds gross then its time to forget about him

Is french kissing gross?

Not at all! I used to think it was but once I tried it, it was okay! But make sure you and him/her have good breath or else it is gross! The secret is, if it's gross for you, you're not ready for this level of intimacy. If it's not gross for you, go ahead and find out for yourself if you like it.

How can you mess up a kiss?

by kissing too messily...aka having alot of spit. nobody like that! its gross.

Why do boys think kissing is gross?

Not all boys think kissing is gross. This belief may stem from personal preferences, cultural influences, or lack of exposure to healthy displays of affection. It's important to remember that feelings towards kissing can vary widely among individuals.

Does french kissing invlove saliva on your face?

awe no way man!if you do then that's just gross,but you ain't supposed too! :)

Why do girl kiss like to each other?

Its becaus they are lesbians and are gross. Thay should just settle for kissing a boy instead.

How do you have the perfect kiss?

The perfect kiss: well, it MY opinion, it means french kissing! Open your mouth while kissing, and stick your tongue in and suck in. And make sure you're alone with your bf/gf. So romantic.....its NOT gross!

Is kissing good for your teeth?

depends, if the person doesnt brush their teeth and tongue. then when you french kiss, their gross tongue will be rubbing agaimst your teeth.