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Q: Seventh grader- can you really be in love?
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Should a seventh grader go out with a sixth grader?

If you like him/her then yes.

Can a fifth grader go out with a seventh grader?

sure you can.If you two are in love go on head.If he doesn't like you don't act so terrified.F him he's probably not the one for you.

What does sevie mean?

A Seventh grader.

What is the average seventh grade girls bra size?

Well I am a 7th grader and only a 36A. It's really all genetic and eveyone is different. Just love yourself for who you are and let God do the rest

What is the average grade of a seventh grader?

do you mean the average height, weight, age or what because usually the average grade of a seventh grader is seventh grade. what are you talking about

What do you do if you are a sixth grader and the guy you like is a seventh grader and your skins are different?

get over it

Is it weird for a seventh grade girl to date a sixth grade boy if they really like each other and he is only a few months younger?

NoI'm a 7th grader and I'm dating a 6th grader, and hes hott!!!

Will a seventh grader ever get with a eighth grader?

It depends but mostly............. YES.If you are a 7th grader talking for an 8th grader you are so dumb

Is there really a school called PCA that a seventh grader can go to?

yes look up for boarding schools on google but it is expensine..

Should you go on a date with a tenth grader if you are only in seventh grade?

It Really depends on your maturity level. I wouldn't recommend it though.

Can a seventh grader date a 6th grader?

Not really because they want even remember you when you get in the 7th grade lOL i so agree these 6th graders

How can a seventh grader like a six grader?

It's ok to have a little or HUGE crush on some one. It wont kill you but if I were you (and yes I am a seventh grader so I know) don't ask her/him out. But, don't be all sad about it.