Bad idea!
What if this "fake date" makes him angry instead of jealous and he decides to go out with someone else instead?
And what about the fake date. If he really likes you he will be hurt when he finds out you just used him.
Faking a date to make someone jealous will just end up hurting all 3 of you.
There's different ways to look at that and it kinda all depends on the guy...He could be the kind of guy that that's the kind of thing that would help him progress and realize that if he wants you he'd better make a move. Some guys need that... Now some other guys would get all mad and go out with someone else. You have to find out what your guy would probably be like BEFORE you go and go on your fake date. make him a little jealous yes..but not to much. It will hurt him and make him mad.
Miz Blonde <3
well ya i agree with all of you but it really depends cause some girls do this cause they broke up with the guy and they still like them and but don't want the guy to no and they try to make them jealous or the guy really hurt you and you wanna hurt him to but my opion is don't cause i watched the movies its gonna end up blowing up in your face and your gonna be hurt and the guy your trying to make jealous + your using a insint guy and there both gonna hate you
Date another really cute guy to make him jealous.
then your ex is prolly jealous. but if you really like this guy then i think you should date him. and explain that to him too. talk to your ex about it too
But if you really like him, and not only trying to make your ex jealous. Then love never comes second. Date him, only under the right terms.
No it does not i think she's just plain jealous
You should just ignore them and date someone else better then her or him.
If they really want to date, then why not? go for it!
Gay individuals get jealous just as anyone else does.
He's jealous and he's using the classic date someone else to get a person jealous method
He certainly will if he really loves his mistress, or if he feels inferior for some reason. Why? Because it would make him jealous.
If a guy asks you out but you aren't allowed to date, whether it's due to religious reasons or that your parents won't let you, you should tell him the truth. If you really like him, then you should go up to him and tell him politely, "I would love to go out with you, but to be truthful, I am not allowed to date." he will understand and if he doesn't, he isn't worth your time. If he does understand, he may wait until you can date, or if he wants to still go out with you, just be good friends until you can date. But be sure that you don't be mean or jealous if he doesn't want to wait and just wants to be friends.
date her BEST friend.
It's really your choice.