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Guys should always be the one to text first, because the girls are usually waiting for you to text o don't keep her waiting!

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Q: Should you text her first or wait?
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Crush asked for my numbershould i text him first or wait for him?

If he has asked for your number you should wait for his text or call. Do not text him first.

How long should you wait to return a text. when its a first text from a guy?

I don't think you should wait any time at all, just text him back.

Should you text him first or wait?

i would wait..if you really like him you should wait because you should make sure he likes you too. don't worry he will text you back hopefully.I would text him, but it depends on your personality. if youre bubbly and flirty, then its normal to text him more than once, BUT DONT BE ANNOYING ABOUT IT! dont constantly text him. if youre more laid back, i think you should wait. if its been more than a few days, maybe you should text him, but just once. never know, he may not have gotten it.

What should you do if she doesn't answer your text?

Wait on her to text you back, and not be paranoid.

Should you wait for him to text you first or do girls sometimes have to make the first move?

Usually it's good to let him text you first...but there's nothing wrong with texting him first. Just keep it casual :) Text him first. Guys will wait for you to text them. Sometimes they will write you first but if you never write them first they'll just assume you don't like them and will lose interest. If he doesn't seem to responsive though, then there's not much hope. But wait and you run the risk of losing to the girl that does write him first.

You get a text from a girl that likes you but you have no idea who it is what should you do?

you should ask and wait for an answer

What does it mean if the girl asked a guy for his number on facebook in a very long message and they do have long flirty conversations but the girl always has to text first and is there any tips?

this is an addition from the top but im wondering if i should keep texting him first or wait for him to text me.. and how long do i wait?

Should you wait for the girl to text you first?

No, girls LOVE it when you text them first. But do not say something like Sup, or short one word texts. Make it more interesting by sending longer texts.

Should I call her or text message for a second time or wait until she call me or text message?

wait for her. its annoying when ppl repeat their messages

How long should you wait to text a girl back between texts?

text back asap!

Should the girl send the guy a text after getting off with him the night before or should she wait for him to txt her?

if you really like them, just text him/her.

How long do wait for a guy to text you first?

Give him 2 days