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If your crush asked you if you will date him or if you love him after you kissed then it means he is interested in finding out how you feel about him.

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Q: So my crush asked me after our kiss if i will date him or if i love him what does that mean?
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well if you really love him take him on date but don't say its a date then in the mittleof no were kiss him good luck

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Can you kiss someone who hasn't asked you out on a date but whom you've cuddled with and who is attracted to you?

Well, only if you are totally in LOVE with him/her. BUT if he/her hasn't asked asked you out that is not a great idea (he/she might already have a girl/boy friend already) :) :(

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personal problems like: marriage problems: ex: you are about to get married, then later you discovered something about your fiance, then you realized that there is something wrong about your relationship....... then....the question usually asked is "am i going to continue our marriage? or not?" financial problems: ex: you have a lot of expenses in your school, then you are given money by your mom, then you were told not to spend it...... then......the question is "am i going to spend this? or not?" love problems: ex: you were studying in a very strict school, coupling and kissing is restricted,then your teacher asked you to clean your classroom, then you saw your crush,and you are eager to kiss you crush, your crush wants to kiss you....then the question is "am i going to kiss him? or not?

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You date them and kiss them a lot and hug them and love them. That's what you do!

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have sex or kiss her

What is the something about your first crush or first date?

Don't be shy like i was with my first love. Just try to be nice to them and talk to them about stuff unrelated to a date/crush.

What does it mean when a guy says you make him want to love you?

Kiss her. Date her, kiss her, and the rest that will come forward!

How do I show my shy crush that I do not like another guy?

I love you and then say just kidden and no home then kiss and make out

Would Justin Bieber kiss on the first date?

he would have to realy love you