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NEVER! no matter what she says she is going to blab it to the world.

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Q: Tell a girl you love her best friend?
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How do you tell your best friend that you are in love with her if you are a girl?

Just tell her right away!

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if your a guy and your friend is a girl how can you tell if she is in love with you?

What should you do if your best friend is in love with the girl you love?

Tell him. Communication and sencerity always work.

How do you tell your best friend that you are in love with the girl he is about to ask out?

its best not To tell him , and not go out with the girl, unless you want to pick out a fight . good luck man

How do you tell your best girl friend that you love them?

If you're still thinking about sharing your feelings with your best friend, go over exactly what you'll say.

What should you do if you're in love with your best friend who's a girl?

act sweet, then tell her the truth

What should a girl do if she is in love with her sexually confused male best friend?

Tell him how you feel, that's the best thing to do.

I'm in love with my best friend. She is a girl and I want to tell her I love her. Her best friend is best friends with me too. What to do?

Leave her note from an anonymous person and see who she thinks its you and if she gets frustrated tell its was you at the right moment and she might understand.

How do I tell my best friend I love her if I'm a girl?

Don't be nervous, just tell her how u feel - you'll be fine.

HOW TO TELL your love to your girl friend?

Tell her you love her. Tell her you admire her. Tell her the truth. Sincerity works.

How do you tell a girl you love her if you're also a girl?

Just tell them I like you as a friend.

I love my best friend's brother but he doesnt know?

tell your best friend but tell her not to tell her bro.