it is a strong long lasting emotional tie or bond between two people.
Attachment, according to John Bowlby, is a strong emotional bond that develops between a child and their caregiver, typically a primary caregiver, which provides the child with a sense of security and safety. Bowlby believed that this attachment plays a crucial role in the child's emotional and social development.
This is partially true. Babies do prefer to look at toys that have large areas of bold color and strong contrasts between colors. But an infant's color vision is not as strong as an adult's and their vision is fairly blurry. So often it's not the color itself that attracts their attention, but the brightness/darkness or contrast.
NO one should ever, ever deliberately "crack" an infant's or child's fingers or toes! First, it is not necessary. Second, it causes ouchies--it hurts. Third, it can change the space between adjoining bones. PLUS, you could break a child's or infant's bones, which are not as strong as an adult's bones!
A strong breeze is commonly referred to as a gust or a gale.
Parent-infant bond
John Bowlby, a British psychologist, emphasized the importance of attachment beyond just physical needs in his theory of attachment. He believed that a secure attachment is crucial for healthy emotional and social development in infants, forming a strong bond with a caregiver that goes beyond basic nourishment.
The feeling between like and love is often referred to as infatuation or a crush. It's a strong attraction where you might be developing feelings for someone but not quite yet in love with them.
There immune system is not as strong as an adults.
Imprinting is most likely to occur during a specific critical period shortly after birth or hatching, when a young animal forms a strong bond with its caregiver. This process helps the animal recognize and attach to the caregiver for survival and social development.
What is the difference between strong and brave
A strong belief in oneself is sometimes referred to as confidence. Someone who has confidence can also be said to be actualized.