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When a man responds to your text messages he must be interested in You but get to know him first then if you want ask them out

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Q: This guy always responds to my texts is he just being nice or does he like me?
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If you text the guy you like and he always responds right away and he is really flirty but he NEVER texts you first does he like you?

It may be that he is to afraid to text you first, guys may be just as insecure as girls. He may be scared he will be rejected, ridiculed by his peers, or just intimidated by the fact that he has no idea what to do. Good Luck in your love life!

What does it mean if it takes your boyfriend a while to text you or answer texts and he always seems to be spending time with his guy friends instead of you?

he's just not that into you

If your ex who initiated breakup responds when you contacted Was it because he is just being nice or is he really interested in u in a special way wanting to know how i was doing?


Is there an IPhone app that is free and will hide your texts?

You know you could just delete the texts.

When your ex boyfriend texts you and you text each other for a while what does it mean when he just stops the conversation every time but he always initiates the texts and texts you once every week?

To me.this boy seems to text when his bored or probabaly having problems with his current girlfriend.He still cares deeply for you,but he is using you in a way.

What do you do if the guy you like doesnt text you back for a week?

well you could assume he was busy, got his phone taken away, lost it... ect or if your certain he has it and isn't texting back, ask one of your friends or some one to text him and if he responds, well you got your answer, but also you texts might not get though to him... call him and just ask if he got your texts and if he asks why just say "well my phones been acting weird lately" i hope it helps :) good luck:)

If you have verison and run out of texts can you stil receive texts?

Yes, it will just charge you extra for each text.

How do you tell your ex you still like him?

you just tell him and see if he responds.

What does it mean when you are the one to initate emails and he just responds?

He might not be that interested in you.

How do you tell your ex you like him still?

you just tell him and see if he responds.

Does being born during a thunderstorm have any meaning?

No. It is just coincidence. There is always a thunderstorm going on somewhere, and there is always someone being born somewhere.

I like this girl who i rarely see but she always blanks my texts i think she nos i lime ger but i dot no what i should do?

There is one thing that you can do if you like a girl. You will just have to talk to her and tell her.