Some Spanish names starting with T from the 1500's could include: Teresa Tomás Trinidad Teodoro
Mendoza, Medrano,
Some Italian last names starting with "D" are Di Giovanni, De Luca, De Rossi, and D'Angelo.
Famous people with Spanish last names are Enrique Iglesias, Fernando Torres, and Rafael Nadal. Other famous people with Spanish last names are Nathalia Ramos, Antonio Banderas, and Penelope Cruz.
Martinez and Mendoza are Hispanic last names. They begin with the letter M.
Some Spanish last names that start with A are Alvarez, Aguilar, Alonso, and Acosta.
Some common Argentinian last names include González, Rodríguez, Fernández, García, and López. These surnames are of Spanish origin, reflecting the strong influence of Spanish colonization in Argentina.
Some of them include:YañezYbañezYerroYturbideYzurriagaNote most of them are actually Spanish last names, brought by Iberian settlers between the 15th and 19th century, when Mexico was still an overseas territory of the Spanish Empire.
Many Filipinos have Spanish last names due to the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, which lasted for over 300 years. During this time, many Filipinos were assigned or adopted Spanish surnames for administrative and religious purposes. Today, these Spanish last names are still commonly used and passed down through generations.
There are many Mexican surnames (last names) but here are some.AguilarAlvarezCastilloCastroChavezCruzDelgadoDiazEspinozaFernandezFloresGarciaGarzaGomezGonzalezGutierrezGuzmanHernandezHierraJiminezLopezMartinezMedinaMendezMendozaMoralesMorenoMunozNunezOrtegaOrtizPenaPerezRamirezRamosReyesRiosRiveraRodriguezRomeroRuizSalazarSanchezSantiagoSotoTorresValdezVargasVasquezVega
Some German last names starting with "M": Müller (Mueller, Möller) = miller Meyer (Meier, Maier, Mayer) = dairyman Meier = dairyman Mayer (Meyer) = dairyman Möller (Moeller, Müller) = miller
Khoury, Karam, Krami, Kerbaj, Kheireddine,