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just look for a book which correspond to the topic that you need thank you

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Q: What are the effects of family disorganization?
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What is disorganised?

Family disorganization simply refers to break down of the family unity. This is actually considered to be the main cause of social disorganization.

What is family disorganisation?

A breakdown of a family system. It may be associated with parental overburdening or loss of significant others who served as role models for children or support systems for family members. Family disorganization can contribute to the loss of social controls that families usually impose on their members.

What are the types of social disorganization?

The main types of social disorganization are cultural, economic, and structural. Cultural disorganization refers to conflicting values and norms within a community, economic disorganization involves high levels of poverty and unemployment, and structural disorganization relates to a lack of community organizations and informal social controls.

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What is the antonym of the following terms-authority-lawlessness-chaos-confusion-disorganization-nihilism?

Authority: Servility Lawlessness: Lawfulness Chaos: Order Confusion: Clarity Disorganization: Organization

How is behavior affected by an anxiety attack?

increases disorganization and ineffectiveness

What are the signs and symptoms of uppers?

passivebehavior, disorganization, confusion, irritability.

What are synonyms for disarray?

confusion, disorder, indiscipline, disunity, disorganization

What are the symptoms of stimulant?

passive behavior disorganization confusion irritability

What is the opposite word of the word structure?

disfigurement, destruction, disorganization

How do you spell caios?

The likely word is chaos (confusion, disorganization).