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Q: What do you call someone when they do not like to wait?
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Will someone like you like you call you?

Wait and be patient...A true friend will go out of there way for you...and so will I.

What do you call someone if they call you smelly bum?

if you think me bum is smelly, wait till you get a whiff of my crotch

How long should you wait to call girl?

if it is after a date, and you KNOW it went well, call her right after...but if you think the date was awkward...but you like her, wait for her to call

Is it worth it to wait for someone even if you know that someone will never be yours?

Hmm....well if you they are your friend then he/she should know if you like them but if you like someone and yall arent friends then wait a little while and try to get them but your heart will only be broken more if you wait...move on.

Will he call?

It depends if he cares about you or not. Don't wait too long. if he doesn't call for a month give up and fine someone better.

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How long does someone wait for the phone call after spending a weekend together to realize that it was just a fling?

If both sides wait, then both will never know what it was.

When a guy calls then says he is going to call you back how long should you wait?

You should wait like 2 days, and then id they haven't called you back yet, you should call them. You should wait like 2 days, and then id they haven't called you back yet, you should call them.

How long should you wait to call when a celebrity gives you her number?

Clearly this celebrity wants you so you should call her immediately. Miley doesn't like to wait.

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Look around. Call 911 if you think someone is there, grab a weapon/pole/stick and wait for the police.

If you like someone and you feel they don't like you back?

Give up or wait till they like you

Should a date be cancelled because your late?

No if you like someone you will wait