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Sit down and just try and talk to him explain to him why you dumped him and that it wasnt his fault it just wasnt working for you. Say that you hope you can still be friends. Leave it for a while and wait for him to respond. Dont talk to him while he is with his friends as you may not get very far and may end up shouting which will ruin your chances. Hope I helped. :)

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Q: What do you do when you've been going out with your boyfriend for 8 months and your relationship isn't working and you dump him but he takes it really badly?
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What if you have a sensitive boyfriend and how can you dump him?

Well to start with, don't just say "YOUR DUMPED" it is heartless and cruel. If, however your relationship just isn't working out, this is what you should do. 1. sit down with him and say "we need to talk" 2. say to him, "I'm really sorry, Our relationship just isn't working out - I really don't want this to effect our friendship, but I'm sorry, This relationship has to end." - if, like you said, he's really sensitive, be understanding. tell him you want to be friends. 3. if he cry's, give him a hug and then tell him "thanks for being a good boyfriend"

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No because it's to soon in the relationship and he almost a legal age while she is a minor

When your alone with your boyfriend should you do anything to him?

That is up to you.No one can really tell you how to run your relationship with your boyfriend.

I just broke up with my boyfriend of 8 months I love him but our relationship was really complicated did I make the right decision?

If you feel you made the right decision and the relationship was putting to much stress on you, then most likely you made the right decision.

What do you do when you just met this guy from school that you like but you have a boyfriend whom you adore but lives on a different continent?

Well think about it. If you really like/love your boyfriend you can be friends with the boy you just met. But if you feel your relationship is not really working, you rarely speak, and when you do speak you can't figure out what to talk about. Or think out their differences like what does your boyfriend do that the other doesn't and that should help you some.

Why do you want a boyfriend?

You want a boyfriend because maybe some of your friends or people in your class have one and it looks really fun to be in a relationship

What if your boyfriend asked to meet your parents?

Let him meet your parents if you really care about your relationship with him.

Is your boyfriend bisexual?

if yours is it shouldn't make a difference it won't really effect your relationship

How should you deal with falling in love with your boyfriend of 2 months best friend who is at the moment trying to form a relationship with one of your close friends but she is not interested?

You should really take sometime away from your current boyfriend to decide what it is you really want especially if your interested in someone else. Take some time to be on your own to sort out your feelings.

What age is right to have a boyfriend?

It really depends on your age really if you are a preteen try to make your relationship safe and not having sex, that's bad. every relationship should be safe and crontrolled. =]

What does dreaming of a girl being all over your Boyfriend mean?

it means that your unsure of your relationship with the guy, and that you really like your boyfriend. You get easily jealous if there would be a girl trying to steal your boyfriend.