Well, I went through the same thing but, what you do is talk with this person and let him/her express their feeling then you express yours and tell them that you only like them as a friend.
Tell your friend. Ask her how she would feel if you went out with him. She will understand. If not, think about it. Is the guy worth losing your friend?
if your friend likes him back, then don't do anything.Tell him how you feel otherwise (only if shes sure she dont want him)
sometimes they feel that that their friend has 'bagzed' you and that they feel bad if they are with you because her friend has dibs try and fi this by talking to her about it, or just make sure you dont ignore her. Keep trying :)
if he likes you as a friend then he wont get you interested in him. He wont ask you questions about yourself and he wont make you feel like he likes you. If he likes you more you will notice tht he always talks to you, he ask you questions he has never asked before, and he will totally act different. Or the guy wont tell you at all you'll just have to figure it out.
Tell him polietly that you arent interested in him And maybe suggest someone who would be interested in him.
Say sorry but I dont feel the same way. :-) Oh and remember friends always come before boys.
Let them know how you feel :)
he thinks you dont feel the same way
tell her the truth immediately. and by immediately i mean YESTERDAY. You need to tell her how you feel.
if ur friend really likes ur ex then yes if u dont mind but u should talk to ur ex and friend and then talk to them about how its making u feel xx
If u like a girl who already has a boyfriend but you dont know if she likes you or know,the first thing you have to do is that you will have to make friendship with that girl and if she is already your friend,then increase your friendship and one day confidently ask her that what does she feel about you..
let him no its ok and let her no the truth if you dont feel the same any more she should know