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You can see if he has feelings for you to or if you can already see that he does not like you you can say i was just kidding or you can say do you want to get together tonight and talk about it then. the best thing to do is jus wait and see what happens!!! dont panic ,jus play it off cool and relaxed!!!

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15y ago
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12y ago

I just did the same thing like 6 months ago. And now we are together!

But not everyone is lucky. If he tells you he likes you back then that is amazing for you and i am very happy for you. Just keep being yourself and make sure things are not awkward between you too!

I hope this helped(:

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12y ago

the same thing happen to me but i dont know what to think.....

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13y ago

they will answer yes or now if he says yes your dating yea that's how it goes

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12y ago

If you had the guts to do that, ask him if he likes you. If not, move.

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Q: What do you do you just told the guy you like him and now What is going to happen?
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