He is possibly flirting and trying to attract your attention.
A fart
Generally in the direction of the side that blows out. The sudden extra drag slows down that side and the rear end of the car will fish-tail to the left on a right front blow out, causing the car to point to the right. And vice-versa. If you are paying attention to your driving and have a firm grip on wheel, it won't swerve at all.
The system is low on freon...........
The Northeast monsoon generally takes place from December to March. However, when exactly it starts or ends is not well defined. Rain is more frequent during these months, especially during November to January.
The serve starts when the ref blows his whistle and motions that you may serve.
it starts when the star runs out of its supply of gas (i cant remember the name) then the star collapses on its self and then....well blows up
Southeast Moonsoon
You Can Keep Attacking Them Until It Starts Going In Slow Motion. Do That 3 times.
Luke Skywalker starts Jedi training, and blows up the Death Star.
you have an airlock