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well coming from a 6th grader, don't be worried about it. if your that's not good.

tips for 6th graders and up:

well theres many reasons he might not text you. in my case, the guy i text doesnt answer very often cuz hes busy. thats one reason, another is he could be playing sports...another really good possibilty is most boys dont text very much. some times, if ur not his friend, he may think your anoying. dont text him alot. like if you guys have just become friends, dont be pushy. thats another reason he might not text you. in my case, the guy i text he is very quiet at school only really talks to his friends. he doesnt really text his friends much eaither. so he may just chose not to text very much.

tips for 18 year olds and up:

find another guy. call him. if nothing works, dump that freakin' crap ball.

!!! (btw, don't worry, you will meet 100 other guys in your life this one guy your obsessing over is just 1 of those 100 other guys out there for you.)

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  • Unfortunately, in most cases when a guy does not return calls or reply to messages it means he is not interested in that particular person.
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Q: What does it mean when a guy does not return your calls or does not reply to your messages?
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