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Ask him. Anyone here is simply guessing.actually none of us are guessing we jst no the answers to the problem because some of us have been in this position. anyway if he wont's to spend time with you then that means it's about to be a special moment and that he really loves you!!! :)

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That is kind of self explanatory. It means he loves spending time with you.

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Q: What does it mean when he says i love spending time with you?
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What does i really loved being with you mean?

It means exactly what it says. I often add it after my thanks to someone I have been spending time with, usually for the first time. I mean "Thank you for a great afternoon/evening/weekend. I really loved (enjoyed immensely) the time we spent together." Unfortunately perhaps this is not the answer you are hoping for, because to me, at least, it does not mean "I love YOU."

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Most of the time yes. Just look at him and listen to the way he says it.

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If a guy says he wants to "kick it," he is expressing interest in hanging out, spending time together, or engaging in activities together in a casual and relaxed manner. It's often used informally to suggest spending time in a laid-back and friendly way.

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