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When your boyfriend finds someone else and leaves you this means that he is not interested in you anymore and he wants to move on and there is just physical relationship in his mind that matters for him.

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Q: What does it mean when your boyfriend fines someone else and leaves you?
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Get over it and find someone else.

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If you like someone else's boyfriend...that may be tough for you! You have to try and understand that he is with someone else. You would want to have what makes him happiest!

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Have it with someone else! if you dint like it, it doesn't count :)

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If your boyfriend gets engaged to someone else, you never had a boyfriend. Move on, find another fish, settle down, have kids, laugh at your ex, cherish the life you have.

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Cheat on him with someone else.

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If your boyfriend is looking for someone else, you'll know about it!!! He'll start acting weirdly. He'll be reluctant to be intimate like he normally is.

You think your boyfriend is seeing someone else?

Ask him, or follow him.

Your boyfriend wants to fight someone how do you stop him?

If your boyfriend wants to fight someone else he hates, just tell him this tearful phrase:If you fight with someone else will never go out with you ever again and then his life is smooth.

What if you have a boyfriend but love someone else?

brake up with him sorry but if you like someone else it wouldn't be fair for our boy friend

What should you do if you have a boyfriend but he says he doesn't like you?

When your boyfriend does that tell him so what I'll find someone else, we weren't ment to be. Just breakup! No one will get mad at you you'll find someone else.