Although he fights Aizen numerous times (minor battles), this time all of the characters in Bleach are losing terribly, but the last time he fights (battles) Aizen is episodes 309 and 310. The whole battle ranges from episodes 308 - 309. 310 is where the arc finishes off and the Aizen vs Ichigo ends nicely
Episode 267
well i wouldn't call this a fight but in episode 61 ichigo and renji confront aizen because hes attempting to take the hogyoku out of rukia he doesnt really fight aizen till the final battle in episodes 308-309
Yes Ichigo does defeat Aizen in chapter 422 of Bleach the manga. Ichigo Beats Aizen in Episode 309 "Fierce Fighting Conclusion! Release, the Final Getsuga Tenshō!"
Yes, Ichigo technically did defeat Aizen by destroying his zankaputo. However, Aizen stated that he didn't need the zankaputo to fight, which implies that had Urahara not stopped him with the Kido spell, Aizen would have been able to fight. This leaves the question of whether Ichigo truly disabled Aizen as 1)he did not hurt his body, due to the Hogyoku's regeneration abilities and 2)he was unable to stop Aizen's offensive attacks, despite destroying his zankaputo. Yes Ichigo does defeat Aizen in chapter 422 of Bleach the manga. Ichigo Beats Aizen in Episode 309 "Fierce Fighting Conclusion! Release, the Final Getsuga Tenshō!" - Crimson Wolfess
Ichigo fought the villain Aizen in episodes 308 to 310. He struck the finishing blow is 309, and finished the battle listening to Aizen explain his reasoning.
yes, only if ichigo's inner hollw takes control and turns into his full hollow form like when he fought Ulquiorra
episode 60
Ok people been hearing many different answers like Gin killed Aizen but... it wasnt him The real person the killed Aizen was Ichigo (I wouldn't be surprised) there was a duel between them as Aizen almost killed Gin with one blow with his sword then Ichigo stepped in before Aizen killed this other soul reaper (haha sorry don't know her name) after Ichigo set down his dad on the ground Ichigo wanted to make a deal to fight somewhere else then where there is a whole lot of people but Aizen said no after Ichigo grabbed Aizen by the face flew in the air found a far spot from everyone and throw him at the ground after that they talk for a little then they faught Aizen swing his sword at Ichigo but he block it with his and a huge rock just slice in half and evaporated in the sir Aizen taught that was his sword but Ichigo told him the true that the rock that evaporated was from his sword... Ichigo flew to Aizen and hit him with his sword and it damage him pretty bad but Aizen turned in a full hallow creature thing and tried to kill Ichigo but Ichigo use his newest move "The Final Getsuga Tenshou" and Ichigo was the move was Ichigo's hair turn really long and black Ichigo used the move sliced Aizen in half but to do the move Ichigo would have to loose his soul reaper powers! Itchigo lost his powers and Aizen was still alive but Badly injured by Ichigo's blast then Ichigo's teacher (forgot name also but he has 2 children living with him with a cool hat) stepped in and put a seal on Aizen after the seal took effect Aizen died. So Mostly Aizen died from Ichigo and a little of his teacher help too.
No, he didn't faked his death. He is actually sealed away in another dimension. That what urahra said. He is tried and sent to the highest security part of the Shinigami prison the "lowest underground prison level the 8th prison avici" but is soon raised to 20,000 years.
i vote for ogihci because he is strongest than ichigo and ichigo is strong as aizen
Aizen is stronger... although shinji was aizen's captain things have changed... shinji had trouble dealing with tousen in the manga.... and he couldn't take down gin which means aizen is above him.,.,
the episode is 110 when Ichigo encounters Shinji Hirako who tells Ichigo that he knows of Ichigo's problems and continues on to tell him that the hollow with in will take hold of his body until he is nothing more than a lowly hollow and sooner or later Ichigo realizes its true and joins the Vizards (its actually Visords) for training i recommend you start at episode 110. but if you just want to cut to the chase he joins up for training on episode 122 and starts to fight with his inner hollow on episode 123