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A relationship is the interactions and bond between two or more things, people, animals or places.

A relationship is a bond between two people. (or more if its family or a bunch of friends your referring to in a conversation)

the state of being connected or related

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8y ago
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12y ago

A Relationship diagram links tables together.


A relationship is the link between two entities within a relational database design. A relationship is the pathway by which we we extract information from such a database. A relational database usually consists of several entities and their respective relationships.


An entity, now known as a table because of the ubiquity of M$-Access, is a single set of data that can best describe any one of the actors/objects within the design universe of the database.

An actor is an object that contains information about individual persons, whether that be employee, contractor, customer, student, teacher, etc, who may use or be affected by the use of the database directly.

An object is any other entity within a database system, which we need to store information about, such as a car, magazine title, dvd, book, cd, class, course, classroom, etc.


Relations are the ways in which we tie the links between different entities within a database system.

Relationships can be described as 1-to-1, 1-to-many and many-to-many.

The first two forms are easy enough to manipulate within a database engine, as links in a 1-to-1 relationship are simple enough to forge as are those on the 1-side of the 1-to-many relationship.

The third form is usually broken down into two or more 1-to-many relationships, e.g. many-to-1-to-1-to-many or many-to-1-to-many or 1-to-many-to-1. In doing this, some entities/tables are broken down into simpler nuclear forms that are then bound back together by the relationships needed to access them.

Normalised Forms

The process of breaking the third form of relationships down into manageable entities and relations is called Relational normalisation.

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15y ago

a bonr that two people share. it does not have to be intamite

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10y ago

The relationship between two people

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