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= Physical Abuse includes the following: = * Slapping * Choking * Punching * Hitting * Kicking * Pushing * Shoving * Pinching * Biting * Spanking * Scratching * Grabbing * Throwing Bodily * Burning * Restraining * Spitting and bitching!!!

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Otis Steuber

Lvl 10
3y ago
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16y ago


physical abuse on children, slapping and something that is harming the child.


Physical abuse is the same no matter what the age of the victim is. All that changes is the responsibility of the victim that can only come with age. This responsibility would be to take control of the surrounding and make a change, for your own good and the good of others involved. Physical abuse is a pattern of beatings or physically harming the child in any way.


The definition of physical child abuse is any physical force or action that results in or may result in a non-accidental injury of a child. Physical abuse may involve striking the child a single time or it may involve a pattern of occurrences. Physical abuse is usually connected to physical punishment or is confused with child discipline.

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15y ago

physical abuse is when a adult hits, punches,etc. onto a child to the point it is not neccesary.

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15y ago

When you are physically hurt by somebody's actions. It can happen unexpectedly and no doubt they will be sorry for it. Try to get to a abuse shelter where you will be safe from abuse.

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15y ago

Physical abuse is when one causes pain to the body of another or to themselves.

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How can physical abuse?

define the following types of abuse. physical abuse, sexual abuse , emotional abuse, financial abuse, institutional abuse, self neglect ,and neglect by others.

Is physical abuse in the saw movies?

Oh yeah, most of SAW has physical abuse.

How often is Elder abuse physical?

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What do you understand abuse?

Abuse refers to any situation where a persons human or legal rights are denied, restricted, refused, or curtailed. It can take many forms for example financial, sexual, psychological, physical or self-abuse.

Is slapping a teenager and swearing at teenager abuse?

It is Verbal and Physical abuse. Verbal Abuse is considered with the swearing while the physical is the slapping.

Does anger abuse lead to physical abuse?

yes it can. It all depends on the person. If he/she gets so angry it can lead into physical abuse.

Can emotional abuse turn physical how long does it take before the abuse gets physical?

Yes. Most physical abusers are first emotionally abusive. Some never physically abuse, but remain emotionally abusive, or recognize the problem and get help. There is no time line of when the abuse will or will not escalate to physical abuse. Abuse, no matter what form it is in, should not be accepted or tolerated.

What are the six abuses?

not abuse, physical abuse, cyber abuse, neglect, family violence and sexual abuse

What is the main point of physical abuse?

the main point is that it is wrong. Abuse is wrong it hurts. If someone hits you with the intent to hurt you or out of anger then it is physical abuse.

What is the difference between physical abuse and deserving it?

Physical abuse is never justified and is a violation of someone's rights and well-being. No one deserves to be physically abused, regardless of their actions or behavior. Deserving abuse implies that it is okay to harm someone as a form of punishment, which is not acceptable.

Why type of abuse should be reported?

Physical abuse should be reported.

Can psychological abuse turn In to physical abuse?

Yes, I believe it often does.