Normal weight can be found using bmi. But bmi numbers are not accurate all the time.
No, wait until they are at least 16!
There isnt a rule about it but honestly i think you should wait.
Hmm What should a 12 year old boy look for in a girl. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. If you are 12 years old you do not need a girlfriend. Trust me if shes is absolutely the one she will wait for you ok.
no, an average wait for a twelve year old would be about 85-90, so i believe you are underweight
ussally you have to wait when your 14 or 15. its ellegel for your age to work.
No, I'd wait until 12+. if you do get a gmail, do NOT add strangers.
There isn't anything you can do to force your body to grow. It will do it on its own schedule.
If they have permission from their parents. Otherwise, they will have to wait until they turn 18.
I would wait until she's 12
12 years old???!?!?!?!?!?! wow im shocked.......ur 12 ,be free, be single, love life, and wait till ure older....
well heβs said before heβd talk a 13 year old and wait until they are of age to officially date them :)
Okay if you wanna date a ten year old guy you must be very young too. So at least wait until your 11 or 12.