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Dating is more casual than seeing someone. Seeing someone suggests that there is a relationship either beginning or in progress that is exclusive. You can date several people, but when you declare that you are seeing someone, it's a declaration of a commitment.

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Q: What is the difference between dating and seeing someone?
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What is the difference between dating and having a relationship?

The difference between dating and having a relationship is a relationship is considered serious and dating isn't. A relationship means that you're a couple and dating means you're just seeing each other.

What is the difference between seeing someone and going out with someone?

There isnt Yes There Is You Idiot, Seeing Someone Is Going Out On A Date Then Deciding Weather They Wanna Go Out Or not!

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When someone says they are seeing someone it means they are dating.

What is the difference between going out with someone and seeing someone?

I don't think there is a difference. it's just some people's point of view...

How do you tell your parents your dating someone but you are only 11?

11 years old is far too young to be seriously dating. There is a difference between going to a movie or seeing a young man off and on casually. Stop steady dating! You already know what your parents are going to tell you.

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No, unless you have actually agreed that you are dating, then you are not dating.

Is seeing someone the same as been with someone?

To me, "seeing someone" means that you are dating. When you've "been with someone", to me that means you've had a sexual relation with them. Hope this helps.

What is the difference between seeing someone exclusively and being boyfriend girlfriend?

There is absolutely no difference between the two. They're both different names for the same concept.

What is the another Name of someone you are dating?

the person you are seeing?? or just your date..... or your girlfriend/boyfriend

Who is Madison Rayne currently dating?

Divorced Jesse Cabot and now is seeing someone else

Are Rihanna and Jay-Z seeing each other?

No, he is her producer. Rihanna is dating someone I think he's an athlete .

What does it mean when you are seeing someone and being exclusive at the same time?

It means that you are dating but you will only date each other.