Can a wealthy politician truly relate to a homeless person? He's an effective teacher because he makes math relate to our everyday lives. I may not know her dieing son, but I can definitely relate to the pain she feels.
The word relate means to take a different idea and compare/contrast to your previous experience. I relate money to buying power. It is easy to relate to another person's experience in game play. I can relate to another person with problems. No one follow this... It doesnt make sense
The verb to relate can be used for a singular or a plural subject; for example:First person, singular: I relate the lines.First person, plural: We relate the lines.Second person, singular: You relate the lines.Second person, plural: You relate the lines.Third person, singular: He relates the lines. Shewill relate the lines.Third person, plural: They relate the lines.
I do not know the answer but i am pretty sure that they they relate in working together in secret but within no secret. So i THINK that the answer is working together with another person but within no secret.
You not write about yourself in the first person in academic work. If you must relate something to yourself, you can state for example,"this writer feels...," or "according to this writer..."
the color of light radiating that heat from it feels good
It depends. If you feel uncomfortable inside, chances are the other person feels uncomfortable too. Break the ice, ask questions, then use their answer to relate it to your life.
You can say "I love you" to a person when you feel like you do and when you get the feeling that the other person feels the same about you... But you have to be sure that you do love that person for love is a strong word as hate....