Your half-brother's full brother would also be your half-brother.
Your half-brother's half-brother (assuming he isn't your full brother) is probably what we officially call "no relation," though he might potentially be a stepbrother.
There really is no relation, but if the aunt wants to call that half-brother something, call him a nephew. It's only polite.
They are brothers in law
No relation
The brothers of your husband are your brothers-in-law.
Uncle if you are male and aunt if you are female.
Your husband's big brother is your brother-in-law. If your husband has a little brother, he is also your brother-in-law.
Jacqueline Kennedy did not have brothers. She had a step-brother, Yusha Auchincloss, and a half-brother.
They are half-brothers.
Kane is his half brother.
Yes, she had one brother and two half-brothers.