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Q: What things come back?
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What does Buddhism teach about good deeds and bad deeds?

They Believe in Karma. Do bad things, they will come back and haunt you, do good things and it will come back and do good things back.

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Can wasps come BACK to life after being frozen?

No frozen things are dead and they don't come back to life.

Why do ghosts come back on earth?

Ghosts come back to earth to visit their house or to do things that they didnt finish. Ghosts probably come back to visit someone that they loved.

When does 10 things i hate about you come back on?

never its canceled

How do you make him beg for you to come back?

To make him beg for you to come back no big steps are need to be taken. Just make him remember the past and the things of past. He will remember that how close you were and might come back.

Sometimes it is good to give things away?

if it is meant to be, it will come back.

When do you think club penguin rare items are coming back?

the rare things don't come back

What does autre nous mean?

back home where we come from where we do things our way Among Us

What does this phrase means '' what goes around comes around?

Karma If you do good things, good things will happen to you. If you do bad things, it will come back to haunt you.

Do you have to use a back cinch strap on a western saddle?

No, the back cinch is mainly for things that would cause the back of the sadle to come up off the back of the horse. Things like calf roping, or trail riding on steep hills.

Is the red lei on club penguin coming back?

I don't know most free items come back but some of them dont you might even need to wait 10 years for some things to come back!