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Q: What would happen to someone they want to leave the quarantine zone?
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he would probably leave you because he likes someone else but he would be stupid to leave his sweet and caring girlfriend

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You would be put into quarantine if you have been exposed to a contagious disease or if you have recently traveled to a high-risk area. Quarantine helps prevent the spread of the disease to others in the community.

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This would not happen even for million of years. The immense gravitional pull of earth would not leave any one to fall. Even the escape velocity of earth is 11.2 Km/s and this would probably happen. But even if you manage to fall, nothing will happen because you would be floating in lifeless space. and get churned down by radiation in outer space.

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Someone would have to invent them

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i have no idea, i hope someone who knows the answer will give me an answer, hey one of the supervisors, if you happen to read this, would you leave an answer because you say that sarcasm is not allowed

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I would laugh at their ignorance.

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they would have to go to court

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Someone would be screaming in pain.