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Q: What would you say when arranging a rendezvous with a friend?
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What might you say to a friend if you are arranging a rendezvous at the movie theater?

Lets meet at the movie theater whenever you want.

How do you say 'your friend' in hawaiian?

For a general friend you would say hoaloha. For an intimate friend you would hoa pili.

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To say "welcome friend" in Lakota, you would say "Wóphila, kštó" which translates to "Welcome, friend."

Would a boy say no if you asked if he likes your friend in front of his friend and he is quite shy?

He would say no if he was shy but if he has admitted it that he likes he would say yes

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You would say, 'a friend's photo'.

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randevu рандеву френски произход

How do you say hello my friend in Lakota?

Well, honey, to say "hello my friend" in Lakota, you would say "hau, kola" which translates to "hello, friend." Keep in mind, I ain't no expert, but that's the gist of it. So go on, impress your friend with your newfound Lakota skills!

How do colombians say friend?

In Colombia they speak Spanish, so amigo would be the appropriate way to say friend.

Do you say you before I?

If you are trying to say something like you and a friend were playing outside yesterday you would say "My friend and I played outside yesterday."

Who is better a girl friend or a true friend?

I would have to say a true friend because you can always count on them.

What is correct your friend lives in Broad Street or your friend lives at Broad Street?

Your friend lives on Broad Street is the correct form.You would say: Your friend lives in Albany.You would say: Your friend lives at the corner of Broad Street and River Road.

How do you say I love you and I miss you to a friend in Brazilian Portuguese if friend is male and I am female?

To say "I love you" to a male friend in Brazilian Portuguese, you would say "Eu te amo." To say "I miss you," you would say "Sinto sua falta."