Go to the person you wanted to look at then on the messaging screen go to the picture of a clock with an arrow around it and it will show you the message history!
Go MSN messenger help.
To get an underline on oldMSN you have to be in a conversation and then you go to font then there will be a choice to underline it.
You can find it on your hard drive by going to:My Documents > My Received Files > {username} > HistoryIn that folder you should see files for each MSN contact that you have had conversations with.Otherwise, you can right click a user on your contact list and go to :View > Message HistoryAnd you will be brought to the MSN conversation viewer.
=you get dark pink msn writing by going on textmaker.com==and go on colour downloads==On text maker you can also get free emotions==and backgrounds for msn==Go on there now and check out the new stuff==By Jasmine wallis=
Please go through these steps,First sign in your yahoo messenger andGo to Messenger menu > Preferences > Conversation History;Click/mark "Do not keep a history of my conversations;"Click Apply for the change to take effect and then click OK to close.
Go to "My Documents" Then "My Received Files" And the chat history should be the first file at the top of the page.
you go onto the activities tab on the top bar on a conversation, then the request remote assistance should be down the bottom :D
mileys msn is fanclub@mileycyrus.com
No, MSN is a free internet service.
her msn is mystery@hollywood.com im her little sister Noah and that really is her msn
you cant get msn on dsi maybe if u call Nintendo and ask them to put it in the dsi shop they might