Holly Marie Combs's birth name is Holly Marie Combs.
Holly lives in the San Fernado Valley, California with her Husband and 3 sons.
No, Holly is an only child.
San Diego, California. I believe.
Holly Marie Combs goes by Holz.
In Charmed, Piper's (Holly Marie Combs) mom is named Patty. In real life, Holly's mom is Lauralei Combs.
Holly Marie combs is 36 years old.
Holly Marie Combs was born on December 3, 1973.
Holly Marie Combs was born on December 3, 1973.
Holly Marie Combs's height is 5 ft 1.5 in (156 cm)
Holly Marie Combs's height is 5 ft 1.5 in (156 cm)
Holly Marie Combs has 3 children Finley, Riley, and Kelly James